on tubes

running on tubes is not only bouncier, it elevates the sole of my shoes to walk above the rivers of rainwater that flood the asphalt of the city.


a packaging product with an elongated lifespan as a purse. The airbag is waterproof, resistant to impact and super light.

elevated barbecue

Attachable to one size of tree this grill grate, locked by a sling, works so perfectly as a tree table, that one could think it was meant for it.

hammock chair

the frame of the hammock chair was found in a container by a construction site in Berlin. The original chair is made to give a sensation of hanging loose. Adding the lashing straps enhances the feeling of gravity.


lektürad is a combination of the german word for readable matter and wheel. It is a furniture concept for my friend Knut and his interest in flipping through books and reading them from a random starting point for some time and then getting on to the next one.

cable roll table

My friend asked me if i could make her a couch table. I found a cable reel frame, that surprisingly, in the lenght of the inner pipes, had the same dimensions as the spokes of a regular 28’ bike wheel. In an equilibrium of forces the pipe clamps ensure that the wooden slabs are being pushed away from each other, while the spokes create tension between them. A bit of finetuning creates a stable system of forces, visible in the slightly bend form of the two disks. Four wheels facilitate movability.


Transparent Paper has the soothing quality of spreading light equally like a cloud and reflecting it at the same time. allermü is a flipped umbrella indirectly lighting up a room.


a movable tripod for a potted plant.

Leon Jacob Hidalgo Alberca

All uncredited images © 2023 Leon Hidalgo.
Do not use without permission.