Weekend House for a young family



Being in an area, that is flooded by the Elbe river throughout winter, this little house stands on stilts to reassure that the living space stays dry. The interior consists of one train waggon-like room, lit from all sides with a little gallery for storage. Most furniture is part of the wooden structure and multifunctional. Opening the facade to the balcony, the space extends to the tree canopies of the little plot.

Studio Space
Design-Build Project
with Sarah Streitenberger, Håkon Asheim,
Kimia Noorinejad and Tina Athari
Assisted by Espen Folgerø,
Sveinung Rudjord Unneland and Eamon Okane
Funded by Koro
Bergen, Norway

What started as an investigation into the artist studio as a typology, became a complex process of actually building one for visiting artists in Bergen. In a collaboration between BAS (architecture school) and KMD (Art Academy) mappings were created, drawings were made and discussions were held weekly to reflect on the work. These Meetings happened simultaneously to beginning the construction work, which led to finding solutions not beforehand, but while building the studio. Responsibility was given fully to the students and led to a communal feeling in this integral process. The studio is currently exhibited and will be used seasonally for artists to work in.

Baui Walle

Architecture Competition
with Felix Schuschan
“uw KidS - Walle Vahr Lüssum - GEWOBA”

competition results
(external link)

Baui Walle is a pear shaped one story kindergarden and two living towers imagined in Walle, Bremen, Germany. It is based on a mapped out cataster of the trees on the 1,6 hectar given territory, resulting from on site measurements. Addionally a social analysis of the given infrastructure for kids and teenagers has been made through interviews and workshops. Thematically and spatially the centre of the project is the immediacy of unmodified nature as an adventure playground for kids, architecturally formulated as an open frame for a variety of functions and activities.

tree catalogue

Architectural Competition
with Felix Schuschan
assisted by Prof. Johannes Schilling


Bocage started as an investigation of peripheral situations. Between the agricultural landuse and the borders of the city. On the search of a possible future we interviewed seven experts from different fields of science and created a concept questioning the competitions name of the „clear border“. This concepts intention is to use the anthropocene lines of the (agri)cultural german landscape as a medium of a new-thought city extension. An envelope for housing, learning and producing. the wooden structure floats over the borders of fields, forests and meadows spanning an infrastructural network accompanied by public spaces that are flanked by the human made fields.